Course Duration
4 Hours
Course Dates
Course description:
Working with substances is common in many workplaces. These workplaces include anything from cleaning to construction. As a part of good health and safety management the employer is responsible for undertaking a risk assessment and implementing appropriate controls. These controls may include providing appropriate training. A regulated qualification is the ideal way of demonstrating a commitment to effective training, delivered by competent providers.
Each learner should successfully be assessed against the assessment criterion outlined below.
Learning outcome:
Assessment Criterion
Understand the law relating to hazardous substances in the workplace.
Outline employers and employee’s duties relating to hazardous substances at work.
Outline the consequences for non-compliance with statutory duties.
List the ways in which an employer can communicate hazardous substances safety information.
Understand how risk assessments contribute to the safe use of hazardous substances in the workplace.
Define the terms hazard and risk with respect to hazardous substances.
List the different forms that hazardous substances can take.
Outline the health and safety effects that may arise following exposure or release of hazardous substances.
Outline the routes that hazardous substances can enter the body.
Describe how risk assessments reduce accidents and ill health at work.
Outline the five-step process of risk assessment.
Understand the precautions and procedures necessary to ensure the risks associated with hazardous substances are properly controlled.
Outline the types of information that should be referred to for the safe identification and use of hazardous substances.
Describe the general procedures that should be in place for dealing with an incident involving hazardous substances.
Outline the control hierarchy in respect of safe use, handling, transporting, storage and disposal of substances hazardous to health.

Risk assessing Level 3
Manual handling Level 2
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SM Safety Training?
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How do I book the COSHH Level 2 course?
Please click on the button above to book and enrol on the course, or, contact the us either by calling 07540057755 or emailing smsafetytraining@gmail.com

Approach to training must give people the confidence to put into practice what they have learnt.
It is explained simply with as much hands on realistic practice as possible and is enjoyable, relaxed and fun!
We will always strive to meet your specific training needs by making it relvant to your setting.
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